Full name of work: Drittes Quartett (K156 - 1770), Movements 1-4 (Presto, Adagio, Menuetto, Adagio) Composer: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus(1756-1791) Music category: String Quartet Instruments: 2 Violin, Viola, Cello Name of file creator: Geoffrey Lehr e-mail address: emeraldimp@lycos.com Website: http://emeraldimp.tripod.com/ Running time: 4:08 4:56 4:38 3:11 Total: 16:53 Comments: Movement 3: Measure 48 - In my score, the natural has parantheses around it, so I have decided to leave it natural. Movement 4: Uses NWC Extra Ornaments The following text is on the bottom of my score: Dieses Adagio befindet sich vor dem Seite 4 abgedruckten Adagio im Mozart'schen Mannuscripte, aber durchstrichen; ist also van ihm zu Gunsten des später componirten kassirt worden. Als fertigen glaubte ihn der Herausgeber nicht vorenthalten zu dürfen. Translated (roughly): This Adagio was before the previous Adagio, but had been crossed out; thus it is believed that the first was favored. However, as it was finished, the publisher, in the interests of providing a complete score, decided to publish it as well.